Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It has been WAY to long since my last post.
Here is a photo recap of our summer since the 4th of July:


Bumpa is still running the tennis tournament--I believe this was year 32....

I, of course, marched in the Alumni Band! I hope to see more fellow LHS Marching Band members in the Alumni Band was so much fun!! (nerd, i know)

Happy Kiddos=Happy Parents!

Natalie LOVES riding on the tube! She was laughing and smiling the whole time!

Over 30 Millers went to the Twins Game in July. This was extra special because Grandma loves baseball and the Twins. She suffered a stroke on August 18th and passed away on August 25th. We love you Grandma, you will be greatly missed!

If you recall, in my first post, I mentioned that I was working on 101 goals in 1001 days. Well it is darn hard to come up with 101 goals! I am close though! Hopefully, I will be posting that by the end of the week or this weekend! Stay tuned!!

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